Rabu, 27 April 2016


Again I tortured myself
What can I without you mas
But I'm afraid really afraid
Because I love you too much
Even my love to you can exceed my love for Him
What can I do
I am confused
I'm lonely alone
When I go like this anymore
What would you like first lady closed
What you will hate me
What should be like this the
To find out all the bitter truth or sweet
Do you still love me like you say
Are you going to turn it away from me because of my attitude
I do not know is true or false mas
I know I love you so much
I do not know is true or false
Honestly away from you is very tormenting
But I do not know what my attitude is correct or not
I'm just afraid
I just wanted to know
Do you really love me mas
You are always saying dear to me
But you were always too hide me
Either careful who you watch mas
I love you mas
I love you so much
Mas anjar goodbye to you like this makes me sick
But I want to know what you really love me mas
If I go what are you going to leave and turned to another woman
I really love mas
But I just want to know if you can keep me mas
I really really love mas
I seemed to be at the threshold of the abyss
Because I myself were walking towards the abyss
What are you going to save me mas
Or you'll be looking for a successor

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